- Gelous base coat
- 2 coats of Rimmel Black Satin
- 2 coats of Sinful Green Ocean
- 1 (thick) coat of Seche Vite
This is on my mom... she has such lovely, long fingernails that I thought it would be good on her. Her poor hands are dry from slaving away at the sink :(
This polish is sick. Seriously. I may sell all of my other polishes and keep a black, purple, and this to put over top of them. ALL THE TIME.

Last two were taken indoors, and the last one was blurred to show the glitteryness.
This polish is amazing... and only $1.99! Available at Walgreens. It was a bit hard to find as my local Walgreens' staff is lazy and it was on a tiny stand labeled "St. Patrick's Day" with a hideous solid green polish. This thing needs to be in a huge gold display saying "BUY ME NOW"
I also think Sinfuls are available at Rite Aid, but whether they have this color, I honestly don't know. Good luck finding it! It's worth the hunt. This is over black but I have it over Sinful's Let's Talk and it's pretty too.
The nail color has taken on a beutiful sapphire, green and sometimes purple look. Amazing combo. Never thought it would turn out ths way.