I would call this a swatch dump post but that just sounds crude.
So, uh, here's new stuff for you guys to want!
I got these bits and bobs over the span of a few weeks as there happened to be a lot of sales locally. I didn't swatch the nail polishes -- the burgundy is from
Confetti and is called
Glam'n Up. In that collection there was a glitter like Deborah Lippmann Happy Birthday, which I may or may not have nabbed a few of for a future giveaway :). The goldish color is from
Sinful and is called
All About You. It's much prettier than it seems in the photo; it's a sheerish gold with strong green, gold and bronzey orange glass flecks. I don't know if it will suit my coloring but I was drawn to it for some reason!
These are the Milani Baked Blushes. The left is
Dolce Pink and the right is
Rose D'oro. I did natural light and flash, as per usual. I've worn Dolce Pink and I really like it, I will report further in an actual review but these are very shimmery and sparkly. Rose D'Oro is more pigmented than Dolce Pink, and it's what I wanted Mac Stereo Rose to be when I bought it.
Lippiesssss! I know, I'm obsessed. Starting at the left, first is
Milani Lip Flash in Hot Flash, which is a gorgeous metallic red. I've been after one for a while and this definitely is what I was looking for. I may not need Kat Von D Adora now! Next is
Milani Black Cherry lipstick. I wanted a nice creamy burgundy for fall. This is a weeeee bit dark for me but I love it anyway and I will rock it. Next is
Wet n Wild Silk Finish Lipstick in (I think)
Hot Paris Pink. I'm really not sure because I always forget to write down the number on the side of these to search online and find the name. This looked coral-ish in the packaging but it's definitely pink. I nabbed it for 69 cents so I'm really not complaining... my collection needs wearable pinks. Last one is
Wet n Wild Vamp It Up Mega Last Lipstick. I decided to get this because of my deep lemming for Mac's Smoked Purple, which releases today. I think they're pretty close but I will have to compare them to be sure. This is crazy dark but I love it!
Top eyeliner is
Prestige Total Intensity Eyeliner in Fierce Blue. I realized I was lacking a deep blue eyeliner and this fit the bill! Funny story about this: the cap refused to come off and after tugging and tugging, I must have twisted it so hard that I grabbed the tip of the pencil as it slid off, and I pulled the ENTIRE length of the eyeliner out of the pencil shell. Wendy's face: O_O. Anyway, I managed to get it secured back inside of the casing with minimal damage. I hope.
ANYWAY, the 3 at the bottom are Jesse's Girl pigments. They are $3.99 and Rite Aid was doing a $3 coupon if you spent $10. So I picked up 3 and got the coupon to use on the eyeliner. Sweet, no?
The problem comes in with the names as they are printed on the sticker that seals the jar, so once the sticker is thrown away, the name is no longer anywhere on the jar. Definitely not a fan of that and I think it's a little ridiculous honestly! The first one on the left may be
Pixie Dust or Sunstone, but either way it looks like Mac Vanilla. I will try to dig up the label and see if I can figure out what it is, I didn't realize online swatches would be confusing! The middle is
Sunlit Cactus (remembered that one) and it's a lovely burnished gold with strong green flash. I can't wait to use this. The last one on the right is one that I cannot figure out. It's definitely a baby blue/silver in person but I can't find any listings online that match that color. Anyone have an idea of what this is?! It reminds me of Cinderella's dress.
Gah, lame post is lame. I didn't realize I wouldn't be able to determine the names of the Jesse's Girl dusts! I definitely want more as I've looked online and found more colors I like (sometimes you need to see them swatched). Which is bad news for my already too big collection.
So, if all you're interested in is makeup... stop reading here. If you're wanting to read a ranty rant, continue on!
Most of you, especially if you follow me on Twitter, know that I live in Virginia. Specifically, I live in Hampton Roads. If you've been following the news at all, you know that a hurricane is headed right for my area. My husband and I have made the necessary preparations, we've ensured that my older parents are ready and we plan on staying with them to make sure they are safe. We don't plan on evacuating as I live further inland (but still within a danger zone for coastal flooding and storm surge) unless the situation worsens in the next 24 hours.
Right now, we've got a category 3 hurricane headed for an area about 60 miles south of where I live. Am I worried? Yes. Not just because it's a dangerous storm but also because a storm that was a mere category 1 when it washed over us in 2003 did over $3.6 billion in damage and knocked out power and water for weeks. We are prepared to lose power. We are prepared to lose water. I don't know what's going to happen and I fully support FEMA and the local authorities getting prepared and getting the word out that that is serious.
I don't, however, agree with the sentiments that I've seen on Facebook, heard floating around the office, and seen on my local news website in comments that this is nothing but the weather forecasters causing mass panic. People, what part of massive, threatening storm do you not understand? The storm surge taller than an average 7 year old child (and in some cases, taller than a full grown male adult), the flooding, the trees falling, water and power being knocked out... what is it? What part of that doesn't concern you? If you don't want to be concerned, then go on and drive out in it or hang out in your house playing video games. But don't expect FEMA to come bring you food and water when you're flooded in and can't go anywhere, and are out of necessities. Further, don't criticize those of us who wish to be prepared instead of stranded. I have seen the most moronic comments in the past few days and it's just set me off. It's your choice that you don't want to prepare, just like it's ours for doing so. You'd think that Hurricane Isabel in 2003 would have taught them a lesson, because I know that not having running water where I lived woke me up real quick.
Oh yeah, and let's not forget Hurricane Katrina. Need I say more? Go look up some photos and then remember that Katrina was a category 3 when it made landfall in Louisiana. Ready to go buy some bottled water yet?